Saturday, February 21, 2015

Ode to Petals

Flowers bloom and wither with grace
No matter the pace they leave an endless trace
Their aroma exists to captivate
An instant love to insatiate
Indeed a difficult one to ignore
Its bountiful colors placate our visual senses to our very core
Blossoming as they do with natural elegance
They wither just as equally with the same eloquence
We treasure it even in its depleted state
Mankind should appreciate life and emulate this wondrous trait
Made greater than the petals that sway to the ground are we not?
Regardless of their season, they exist in purity and silence repurchased and brought
Acknowledge the beauty of life as one does the beauty of a flower
We are life's petals, made to take delight in the pleasantries of our stalks

Autobiographical: We can appreciate the beauty of a flower that blossoms and withers within a season as we treat it with tenderness. Similarly, we can treat our fellow man with the same delicateness. This is my ode to roses and to mankind. May we find ways to transform ourselves, making an earnest effort to become the person we expect others to be.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Spanglish Love

Spanglish Poem:
Thou remember the palpation of amor intensely.
A breathless beso, a mesmerizing mirada, its insatiability.
Once given in wholly to its esencia yet deserted in its ausencia.
Thou day shall soon come, anhelando for its return.
For it is an unforgotten imagen, of extraordinary envisages.
Thou rediscover it pedazo por pedazo as crumbs leading to the premio.
It bellows within thou innegablemente.
Thou aspire to hear its entonación like an eternal intrinsic cronómetro; it sings to thou fascinantemente.
Ticking in the lúz de la madrugada and prognosticating beneath the innumerable estrellas in memoriam of thine own felicidad.
Thou espero even unto thou withering day to experience it; even as thou último aliento.
To savor in its deleite would be sublime, un espléndido fantasía.
It is thine own estético that glows in thou interior like a burning fuego, blazing hither till thine temporary sueño.

Translated Spanglish Poem:
Thou remember the palpation of love intensely.
A breathless kiss, a mesmerizing gaze, its insatiability.
Once given in wholly to its essence yet deserted in its absence.
Thou day shall soon come, longing for its return.
For it is an unforgotten picture, of extraordinary envisages.
Thou rediscover it piece by piece as crumbs leading to the prize.
It bellows within thou undeniably.
Thou aspire to hear its intonation like an eternal intrinsic chronometer; it sings to thou fascinatingly.
Ticking in the morning sunlight and prognosticating beneath the innumerable stars in memoriam of thine own elation. Thou awaits even unto thou withering day to experience it; as thou final breath.
To savor in its delight would be sublime, a splendid fancy.
It is thine own reality that glows in thou interior like a burning flame, blazing hither till thine temporary slumber.

Autobiographical: I wrote this poem as an attempt to express the love I once experienced long ago, or so believed it to be. Given the nature of my personal reality, I find myself touched by movies such as "Pride & Prejudice," "Belle," and the like. I fancy British Literature and appreciate time periods such as The Age of Reason, Romanticism, and the Classics. Although I have given up on the idea that love is a selfless act that I possess too strongly in a world that is wilting away in its own selfish desires, I tried to capture it in the beauty it elicits. I can't deny the simplicity of how much of a hopeless romantic I really am and that I do not need another to confirm my value as a human; however, the fire still burns. Hope you can grasp the elements I incorporated into writing it. It is of archaic diction in which love was once expressed, Spanish, which is known to have linguistic passion, and the subject in which it transcends through life's cycle, which synthesizes both Shakespearean and modern influence. I hope you all enjoy this twisted concept of phraseology.